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Duties and Functions


Contact Information

Ezel T. Villanueva


Municipal Mayor

    Exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects, services, and activities of the municipality

    Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the municipality and the exercise of its corporate powers provided in the Local Government Code, implement all approved policies, programs, projects, services and activities of the municipality

    Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues and apply the same to the implementation of development plans, program objectives and priorities as provided under these rules, particularly those resources and revenues programmed for agro industrial development and countrywide growth and progress

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 107

Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Hon.Jesus C. Enerio


Municipal Vice Mayor

   Presiding officer of the Sangguniang Bayan and sign all warrants drawn on the municipal treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the operation of the Sangguniang Bayan

    Appoint all officials and employees of the Sangguniang Bayan, except those whose manner of appointment is specifically provided under these Rules, subject to civil service law, rules and regulations

    Assume the office the office of the municipal mayor for the unexpired term of the latter in the event of permanent vacancy as provided under these Rules

    Exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the municipal mayor in cases of temporary vacancy as provided under these Rules.

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 108



Mobile phone Number:




Email address:



Mr. Godfrey C. Atay


Municipal Administrator

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 102


Mobile Phone Number : 09193464176


Email address:

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Mrs. Marilou C. Cañarejo


Municipal Treasurer


    Collect all taxes, licenses, fees and charges etc. accruing to the municipality funds and such other collections as may be authorized by law.

    Disburse public funds and other entrusted to him by law or ordinances or by competent authority, in accordance with duly authorized appropriations and upon property executed vouchers bearing the approval of the proper authority.

    Submit to the Municipal Mayor certified statement of the actual and estimated income in connection with the preparation of annual and supplemental budget of the municipality.

    Advice the Sangguniang Bayan and other municipal officials

    concerned on the disposition of municipal funds and on all fiscal matters. 


Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 113



Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Mrs. Ma. Elena E. Ratunil


Municipal Budget Officer


    Exercise general supervision and control of the day-to-day activities of the municipal budget officer.

    Prepares form, orders, and circulars embodying instruction on budgetary and appropriations matters on the signature of the Local Chief Executive.

    Reviews and consolidates the budget estimates of the different offices of the municipal government of barangay units under the jurisdiction of the municipality.

    Assist the Local Chief Executive during budget  

    hearings conducted by the Department of Budget and Management.

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 102



Mobile phone Number:



Email address:

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Mr. Clarito B. Portacion


Municipal Accountant


Exercise general supervision and control of the day-to-day activities of the Municipal Accountant.

    Takes charge of both the accounting and internal audit services of the local government unit concerned.

    Prepare and submit financial statements to the Mayor, and to the Sangguniang concerned.

    Apprise the Sangguniang and other Local Government Officials on the financial condition and operation of the local government concerned.

    Certify to the availability of budgetary allotment to which expenditures and obligations may be properly charged.

    Review supporting documents before preparation of vouchers to determine completeness of requirements.

    Prepare statement of cash advances, liquidations, salaries, allowances, reimbursements and remittances pertaining to the local government units.

    Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be provided by law or ordinances.  

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 114



Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Mrs. Terisita Senconiegue


Municipal Assessor


To install and maintain a real property identification and accounting system conforming to the standard prescribed by the department of Finance.

    Prepare, install and maintain a system of tax mapping showing graphically all property subject to assessment in the municipality and gather all necessary data concerning the same.

    Makes frequent physical survey to check and determine whether all real properties within the municipality are listed in the assessment rolls.

    Appraises all items of real properties of current market value in accordance with law and conduct ocular inspection to determine if all properties are assessed correctly.

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 103



Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Mrs. Gudelia I. Castaños


Municipal Social Welfare and


  Implement plans, programs and projects in the field of social welfare and development.
Adopt policies to ensure effective Implementation of program of public and private social welfare services.

    Promote, support and coordinate the establishment, expansion and maintenance of social welfare facilities, project and services.

    Establish, operate, maintain or support institutional facilities, projects and services for its constituents.

    Promote and strengthen people’s organization for a self-directing and services for its constituents.

    Promote, support and coordinate networks and facilities for the identification and delivery of appropriate interventions to the welfare of its constituents.

    Coordinate with other agencies and assist in the implementation of laws rules and regulations for the protection of the rights of the exploited, abused and disadvantage;

    Coordinate all activities pertaining to the implementation of program and services

    Exercise function and technical supervision 

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 112



Mobile phone Number:




Email address:



Engr. Virginia Y. Abelita


Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator


     To exercise general supervision and control of the day-to-day activities of the municipal planning and development office personnel and the division, section, and officer placed under its supervision.

    Conduct continuing studies, researches and relevant trainings necessary to involved plans and projects for implementations.

    Integrate and coordinate all sect oral plans and studies undertaken by the different functional groups or agencies.

    Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different development program, project and activities in the municipality.

    Prepare comprehensive municipal plant and other development planning documents. 

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 116



Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Mrs. Maria Corazon T. Descallar


PESO Manager


Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 120


Email address :

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Dr. Rodolfo Mario C. Borbon


Rural Health Unit


      Hold appropriate joint meeting & discussions;

    Review, analyze, approved consolidated annual RHU based on program and plans.

    Negotiate for the RHU resources requirement s five appropriate bodies such as the District health Officer of the Local Government Unit Board.

    Call and  chair regular monthly meeting  staff planning consultation, operations and review meeting.

    Provide in –service training to all RHU staff in all aspects;

    Provide feedbacks to the higher level management regarding useful innovations development of problems encountered at the RHU level.

   Develop and enforce system for managing logistics properly such as memorandum receipts, proper requisition and issue voucher, stocks records at least twice a year ocular existence and other auditing and accounting procedures

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 118



Mobile phone Number:




Email address:



Arch. Allan H. Bato


Municipal Architect


   Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to do with architectural planning and design programs and projects which the mayor is empowered to implement and which the Sanggunian is empowered to provided for the under the code.

    Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sanggunian and provide technical assistance and support to the mayor, in carrying out measure to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities relative to architectural planning and designs as provided for under Section 17 of RA 7160.

    Coordinate with government and non-government entities and individuals involved in the aesthetics and the maximum utilization of the land and water within the jurisdiction of the local government unit, compatible with environmental integrity and ecological balance.

    Be in the frontline of the delivery of services involving architectural planning and design, particularly those related to the redesigning of spatial distribution of basic facilities and physical structures during and in the aftermath of the man made and natural disasters and calamities.

    Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinances. 

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 121 


Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Engr.Jopson Baones


Municipal Engineer


     Initiate review and recommend changes in policies and objectives, plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices infrastructure development and public works in general of the local government unit of the local government unit concerned.

    Advice the mayor, on infrastructure, public works, and other engineering matters.

    Administer, coordinate, supervise and control the constructions, maintenance, improvement, and repair of roads, bridges and other engineering and public works projects of the Local Government unit concerned

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 116


Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Engr. Noel O. Palma


Municipal Agriculturist


     Formulate farm development plants, which includes crops, livestock’s fisheries, rural institution and cooperative covering farmers, rural women and rural youths.

    Disseminate agricultural information to farmers, rural women and rural youth through individual farm visits or through institutions by way of meeting and demonstrations in improved farm practices, care maintenance and upgrading of livestock, improve nutrition and home management improvements practices, conducts economic farms and home surveys which are used to update data which serve as the basic in formulation of plans and programs.

    Coordinate and monitor the implementation of agricultural plans, programs, and projects in accordance with the basic needs, resources and potentials of the barangays, municipality covered; coordinates with local and national agencies in securing their assistance and services.

    Promote, establish and maintain clientele organizations or groups for multiplier effect in the transfer of package of technology, including agrarian reform, and other laws and regulations, that provide obligations, right and privileges of the farmer and other clienteles.

    Conduct meeting/classes and trainings to upgrade the monitoring/implementation of the regulatory and quarantine laws, ruled and regulation, submit monthly and periodic accomplishment reports; performs related and such other functions as may be required

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3246



Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Mrs. Bernardita S. Notarion


Local Civil Registrar


  Accepts all register documents and judicial decrees affecting the civil status of persons.

    File, keep and preserve in a secure place the books required by law.

    Transcribe and enter immediately upon receipt all registered documents and judicial decrees affecting the civil status of person in the appropriate civil registry books.

    Transmit to the Office of the Civil Register-General, within the prescribed period, duplicate copies of registered documents required by law.

    Issued certified transcripts or copies of any certificate or registered documents upon payment of the prescribed fees to the treasurer.

    Receive applications for the issuance of a marriage licenses and after determining that the requirements and supporting certificates and publication thereof for the prescribed period have been complied with, issue the license upon payment of the authorized fee to the treasurer.

    Coordinate with the National Statistics Office in conducting educational campaigns for vital registration and assist in the preparation of demographic and other statistics for the local government unit concerned.

    Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law and ordinances

Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 105 


Mobile phone Number:




Email address:

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Mr. Godfrey C. Atay


LGU-Calamba Water System Consultant


Office Telephone Number:


(088) (271) 3479, 3203, 3763, 3455, 3227


Local 124




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