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Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Purchase of 1-Unit Submersible Pump with Motor and Splicing Kit
 Calamba, Misamis Occidental

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 2012 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of Two Hundred Forty Seven Thousand One Hundred Fifty Pesos Only (Pph. 247,150.00) being the Approved Budget Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract of the supply and delivery of equipments for the Purchase of 1-unit Submersible Pump with Motor and Splicing Kit. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of equipments.
1    Branded Stainless steel submersible pump, Stainless Steel impeller, bowl and shaft, coupled with “branded Electric submersible motor water lubricated suited for 6” casing or larger well, with the following data and specification    


    Motor output-40HP              
    Voltage-440 Phase              
    Capacity-22 LPS              
    TDH-135 meters              
2    3 M Resin type water proof splicing kit    1    set      
3    3 M Heavy Duty rubber splicing tape    3    rolls      
4    3 M Electrical tape    3    rolls      
5    AW 18 suspension wire    2    rolls      
Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Misamis Occidental and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

6.     Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before October 12, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
Bid opening shall be on October 12, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

7.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

8.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph
Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]




Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Purchase of Purchase of Geographic Information System, Computer Hardware and Accessories
 Calamba, Misamis Occidental

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council, Government Offices Involved intends to apply the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Three Hundred Pesos Only (Pph. 289,300.00) being the Approved Budget Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract of supply and delivery of equipments for the Purchase of Geographic Information System, Computer Hardware and Accessories. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of equipments.
1.    Netbook
         Cvore 13 Processor
         500GB HDD
         2GB Memory   


 2.    Clone Computer Desktop
         Core 13 Processor
         500GB HDD
         Mother Board
         2GB Memory
        ATX Casing with Power Supply
        Keyboard and Mouse
       18.5 LED Monitor   


3.    Laptop
        Core 13 Processor
        500GB HDD
        2GB Memory   
4.    Branded Desktop
       Core 15 Processor
       4GB Memory
       500GB HDD   

5.    Scanner Alone    1    unit      
6.    LX-300+11 Printer    1    unit      
7.    EOS 60D    1    Unit          
Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Misamis Occidental and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

6.     Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before October 17, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
Bid opening shall be on October 17, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

7.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

8.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calambamisocc.gov.ph
Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]




Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for the Purchase of 1-Unit Motorcycle for KASPON
Calamba, Mis. Occ.

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through Trust Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 56,100.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Purchase of 1-unit Motorcycle for KASPON of Southwestern Poblacion, Calamba, Misamis Occ.  Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.

Item Description    Unit    Quantity      
 Motorcycle     1-unit    One (1)     

Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before September 12, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on September 12, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]


 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

June 8, 2012

3R’s Pharma Trade
Ground Floor Sulpicio Building
Tudela, Misamis Occidental

This refers to your bid for PURCHASE OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES FOR PUBLIC PHARMACY for Calamba District Hospital of this municipality, which was publicly opened on May 8, 2012, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your bid price of P 469,000.00 for the supply and delivery of drugs and medicines is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the supply will be done in accordance with the specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of the supply and delivery of drugs and medicines is within sixty (30) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

2.    Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

      BAC Chairman

                                                                                        Municipal Mayor


 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

July 23, 2012

Mandaue City, Cebu
This refers to your bid for the PURCHASE OF SELF LOADING EQUIPMENT WITH BOOM. Your bid price of P 625,000.00 for the supply and delivery of the equipment is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the supply of equipment will be done in accordance with the specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Delivery of Self Loading Equipment with Boom is within sixty (30) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Purchase Order.

2.    Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,
      BAC Chairman
                                                                                        Municipal Mayor
    Proprietor                                                                                Date


 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP-APL2)
IBRD Loan #LN7440-PH

July 2, 2012

Mindanao Rock
Don Anselmo Bernad Avenue, Ozamis

    This refers to your bid for the COMPLETION OF DAPACAN ALTO-DAPACAN BAJO FMR, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on October 24, 2011 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your offer bid price of P 1,357,747.56 is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and are therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of construction work within 30 calendar days to begin on the tenth (10th) day following the date of receipt of the NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK.

2.    Submittal of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee (10% Contract Price).

2.1 The following provision shall form part of the performance security “ The right to  institute action on the penal bond pursuant to Act No. 3688 of any individual firm, partnership, corporation and association supplying the contract with labor and materials for the prosecution of the work is hereby acknowledge and Conformed”.

3. Submittal of credit line issued by an authorized bank in an amount equal to the average operating expenses of the projects for two (2) months or ten (10%) percent of the total project cost whichever is higher, it is understood that no withdrawals shall be made from the account without prior clearance from the Local Project Officer.

    3.1 Submittal of Comprehensive All Risk Insurance (CARI) for projects costing one million (P 1,000,000.00) pesos and above shall be secured for the full value of the project upon approval of the contract. Where additional works are approved thru works shall similarly be insured upon approval of the applicable variation order in full value of the approved additional works.

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

         BAC Chairman

                                                                                       Municipal Mayor


    ERIC O. LIM                        _________________
                Proprietor                                                               Date

 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP-APL2)
IBRD Loan #LN7440-PH

July 2, 2012

Mindanao Rock
Don Anselmo Bernad Avenue, Ozamis

    This refers to your bid for the COMPLETION OF MAUSWAGON-BONIFACIO FMR, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on October 24, 2011 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your offer bid price of P 768,666.17 is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and are therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of construction work within 30 calendar days to begin on the tenth (10th) day following the date of receipt of the NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK.

2.    Submittal of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee (10% Contract Price).

2.1 The following provision shall form part of the performance security “ The right to  institute action on the penal bond pursuant to Act No. 3688 of any individual firm, partnership, corporation and association supplying the contract with labor and materials for the prosecution of the work is hereby acknowledge and Conformed”.

3. Submittal of credit line issued by an authorized bank in an amount equal to the average operating expenses of the projects for two (2) months or ten (10%) percent of the total project cost whichever is higher, it is understood that no withdrawals shall be made from the account without prior clearance from the Local Project Officer.

    3.1 Submittal of Comprehensive All Risk Insurance (CARI) for projects costing one million (P 1,000,000.00) pesos and above shall be secured for the full value of the project upon approval of the contract. Where additional works are approved thru works shall similarly be insured upon approval of the applicable variation order in full value of the approved additional works.

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

         BAC Chairman


                                                                                       Municipal Mayor


    ERIC O. LIM                        _________________
                Proprietor                                                               Date

 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

August 10, 2012

Ozamis City

This refers to your bid for the CONSTRUCTION OF DON MATEO MATUNOG MULTI PURPOSE BLDG. (EVACUATION CENTER PHASE-VI), Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on August 3, 2012, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon held at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your bid price of P 1,359,409.00 for the supply and delivery of construction materials is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore we are awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of the supply and delivery of materials is within One Hundred Twenty (120) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

2.    Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

                    Municipal Mayor


    WILFREDO D. CHONG, JR.            _________________
                       Proprietor                                      Date
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

August 10, 2012

Ozamis City

This refers to your bid for the IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC MARKET BUILDING AND CONCRETING OF PERIMETER, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on August 3, 2012, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon held at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your bid price of P 1,110,113.50 for the supply and delivery of construction materials is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore we are awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of the supply and delivery of materials is within One Hundred Twenty (120) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

2.    Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

                   Municipal Mayor


    WILFREDO D. CHONG, JR.            _________________
                       Proprietor                                      Date

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

June 13, 2012

Mindanao Rock
Don Alselmo Bernad Avenue, Ozamis

This refers to your bid for the IMPROVEMENT/REHABILITATION OF PROVINVIAL ROAD, Rebosura Extension, Northern Poblacion, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on May 8, 2012, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your bid price of P 359,974.00 for the supply and delivery of construction materials is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of the supply and delivery of materials is within sixty (120) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

2.    Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

      BAC Chairman

                                                                                        Municipal Mayor

    ERIC O. LIM                    _________________
                Proprietor                                                   Date

Republic of the Philippines

Province of Misamis Occidental




August 22, 2012





Oroquieta  City




This refers to your bid for the PURCHASE OF MEDICINES FOR RHU of Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on August 16, 2012, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon held at the Municipal Session Hall, this municipality. Your bid price offer of Two Hundred Fifty Three Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty One Pesos (P 253,851.00) for the supply and delivery of various medicines is hereby acceptable to the office.


The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore we are awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the supply and delivery of medicines will be done in accordance with the specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.


  1. Completion of the supply and delivery of medicines is within Thirty (30) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed.


  1. Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)


If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORMEbelow and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.


Very truly yours,



                   Municipal Mayor







            CARLOS V. PORMENTO                                 _________________

                       Proprietor                                                                    Date


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP-APL2)
IBRD Loan #LN7440-PH

July 2, 2012

Victoriano C. Lim Construction
Don Anselmo Bernad Avenue, Ozamis

    This refers to your bid for the REHABILITATION OF ROAD FOR DAPACAN BAJO-LIBERTAD FMR, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on December 19, 2011 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your offer bid price of P 6,000,050.19 is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and are therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of construction work within 180 calendar days to begin on the tenth (10th) day following the date of receipt of the NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK.

2.    Submittal of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee (10% Contract Price).

2.1 The following provision shall form part of the performance security “ The right to  institute action on the penal bond pursuant to Act No. 3688 of any individual firm, partnership, corporation and association supplying the contract with labor and materials for the prosecution of the work is hereby acknowledge and Conformed”.

3. Submittal of credit line issued by an authorized bank in an amount equal to the average operating expenses of the projects for two (2) months or ten (10%) percent of the total project cost whichever is higher, it is understood that no withdrawals shall be made from the account without prior clearance from the Local Project Officer.

    3.1 Submittal of Comprehensive All Risk Insurance (CARI) for projects costing one million (P 1,000,000.00) pesos and above shall be secured for the full value of the project upon approval of the contract. Where additional works are approved thru works shall similarly be insured upon approval of the applicable variation order in full value of the approved additional works.

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

         BAC Chairman


                                                                                       Municipal Mayor


    VICTORIANO C. LIM                    _________________
                    Proprietor                                                   Date







Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

June 13, 2012

Mindanao Rock
Don Alselmo Bernad Avenue, Ozamis

This refers to your bid for the IMPROVEMENT/REHABILITATION OF PROVINVIAL ROAD, Rebosura Extension, Northern Poblacion, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on May 8, 2012, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your bid price of P 359,974.00 for the supply and delivery of construction materials is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of the supply and delivery of materials is within sixty (30) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

2.    Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

      BAC Chairman

  Municipal Mayor

    ERIC O. LIM                    _________________
                Proprietor                                                   Date

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP-APL2)
IBRD Loan #LN7440-PH

July 2, 2012

Mindanao Rock
Don Anselmo Bernad Avenue, Ozamis

    This refers to your bid for the COMPLETION OF MAUSWAGON-BONIFACIO FMR, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on October 24, 2011 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your offer bid price of P 768,666.17 is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and are therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of construction work within 30 calendar days to begin on the tenth (10th) day following the date of receipt of the NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK.

2.    Submittal of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee (10% Contract Price).

2.1 The following provision shall form part of the performance security “ The right to  institute action on the penal bond pursuant to Act No. 3688 of any individual firm, partnership, corporation and association supplying the contract with labor and materials for the prosecution of the work is hereby acknowledge and Conformed”.

3. Submittal of credit line issued by an authorized bank in an amount equal to the average operating expenses of the projects for two (2) months or ten (10%) percent of the total project cost whichever is higher, it is understood that no withdrawals shall be made from the account without prior clearance from the Local Project Officer.

    3.1 Submittal of Comprehensive All Risk Insurance (CARI) for projects costing one million (P 1,000,000.00) pesos and above shall be secured for the full value of the project upon approval of the contract. Where additional works are approved thru works shall similarly be insured upon approval of the applicable variation order in full value of the approved additional works.

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

         BAC Chairman


     Municipal Mayor


    ERIC O. LIM                        _________________
                Proprietor                                                               Date


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP-APL2)
IBRD Loan #LN7440-PH

July 2, 2012

Mindanao Rock
Don Anselmo Bernad Avenue, Ozamis

    This refers to your bid for the COMPLETION OF DAPACAN ALTO-DAPACAN BAJO FMR, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which was publicly opened on October 24, 2011 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your offer bid price of P 1,357,747.56 is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and are therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of construction work within 30 calendar days to begin on the tenth (10th) day following the date of receipt of the NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK.

2.    Submittal of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee (10% Contract Price).

2.1 The following provision shall form part of the performance security “ The right to  institute action on the penal bond pursuant to Act No. 3688 of any individual firm, partnership, corporation and association supplying the contract with labor and materials for the prosecution of the work is hereby acknowledge and Conformed”.

3. Submittal of credit line issued by an authorized bank in an amount equal to the average operating expenses of the projects for two (2) months or ten (10%) percent of the total project cost whichever is higher, it is understood that no withdrawals shall be made from the account without prior clearance from the Local Project Officer.

    3.1 Submittal of Comprehensive All Risk Insurance (CARI) for projects costing one million (P 1,000,000.00) pesos and above shall be secured for the full value of the project upon approval of the contract. Where additional works are approved thru works shall similarly be insured upon approval of the applicable variation order in full value of the approved additional works.

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,

     BAC Chairman


     Municipal Mayor


    ERIC O. LIM                        _________________
                Proprietor                                                               Date



 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

July 23, 2012

Mandaue City, Cebu
This refers to your bid for the PURCHASE OF SELF LOADING EQUIPMENT WITH BOOM. Your bid price of P 625,000.00 for the supply and delivery of the equipment is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the supply of equipment will be done in accordance with the specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Delivery of Self Loading Equipment with Boom is within sixty (30) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Purchase Order.

2.    Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.

Very truly yours,
      BAC Chairman
                                                                                        Municipal Mayor
    Proprietor                                                                                Date

 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental
Municipality of Calamba

June 8, 2012

3R’s Pharma Trade
Ground Floor Sulpicio Building
Tudela, Misamis Occidental

This refers to your bid for PURCHASE OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES FOR PUBLIC PHARMACY for Calamba District Hospital of this municipality, which was publicly opened on May 8, 2012, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall of Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Your bid price of P 469,000.00 for the supply and delivery of drugs and medicines is acceptable to the office.

The LGU Bids and Awards Committee as a result of the post qualification found your offer as the lowest calculated responsive and complying bid and therefore awarding you the contract for the said project provided that the supply will be done in accordance with the specifications thereof, and subject to the following conditions.

1.    Completion of the supply and delivery of drugs and medicines is within sixty (30) calendar days to begin on the seventh (7th) day following the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

2.    Submission of Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof in the form of Bank Guarantee/Cash/Manager’s Check (5% of contract price)

If you are agreeable with the above terms/conditions, please sign “CONFORME” below and return the letter personally to this office and bring with you the above mentioned requirements in order for you to sign the contract documents.


Very truly yours,

      BAC Chairman

   Municipal Mayor

 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Purchase of Medicines for RHU-Calamba, Misamis Occidental

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the Philhealth Capitalization Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 258,404.40 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the supply and delivery of drugs and medicines for RHU-Calamba. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of drugs and medicines..











Paracetamol 500 mg tablet 100's




Paracetamol 250 mg/5ml susp. 60 ml




Paracetamol 125 mg/5ml susp. 60 ml




Paracetamol drops 100 mg/ml susp. 15 ml




Amoxicillin 500 mg tablet 100's




Amoxicillin 250 mg/5ml susp. 60 ml




Amoxicillin 125 mg/5ml susp. 60ml




Amoxicillin drops 100mg/ml susp. 10 ml




Cefalexin 500mg tablet 100's




Cefalexin 250mg/5ml susp. 60ml




Cefalexin 125mg/ 5ml susp. 60 ml




Cefalexin drops 100mg/ ml susp. 10ml





Cotrimoxazole 800mg/160mg tablet 100's






Cotrimoxazole 400mg/80mg tablet 100's




Cotrimoxazole 200mg/40 mg susp. 60 ml




Salbutamol 2mg tablet 100/s




Salbutamol 2mg/5ml susp. 60 ml




Mefenamic Acid 500 mg tablet 100's




Ranitidine 150mg tablet 100's





Alum Mag OH 200/100 mg tablet 100's




Diclofenac 50 mg tablet 100's




Citirizine 10 mg tablet 100's




Prednisone 5mg tablet 100's




Cloxacillin 500 mg capsule 100's




Ascorbic Acid 500 mg tablet 100's




Vitamin B Complex 500 mg tablet 100's




Multivitamins + Iron tablet 100's




Hyoscine Butyl Bromide 10mg tablet 100's




Hyoscine Butyl Bromide 10mg/5 ml syrup






 Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Misamis Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

6.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before August 16, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on August 16, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

7.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

8.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]



 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for the Purchase of 1-Unit Multi Cab Mini Dump
SWP, Calamba, Misamis Occ.

1.    The Barangay Unit of Barangay Southwestern Poblacion, Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 20% Barangay Development Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 160,000.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Purchase of 1-unit Multi Cab Mini Dump.  Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.


Item Description



 Multi Cab Mini Dump


One (1)



Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before August 16, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on August 16, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Barangay Unit of Southwestern Poblacion, thru the Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]






 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Improvement of Public Market and Concreting of Perimeter
Public Market, DBAN, Calamba, Mis. Occ.

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 2012 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 826,208.73 for Lot A and Pph. 286,550.00 for Lot B. Total Cost of Pph. 1,112,758.73 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for supply and delivery of materials for the Improvement of Public Market and Concreting of Perimeter. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.





 Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

1.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

2.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 1,500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

6.     The Local Government Unit of Calamba,Misamis Occidental will hold a Pre-Bid   Conference on July 24, 2012, 2:00 p.m. at Municipal Session Hall, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which shall be open to all interested parties.
7.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before August 3, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on August 3, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

8.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

9.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]


 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Construction of Don Mateo Multi Purpose Bldg. (Evacuation Center Phase VI)
SWP, Calamba , Misamis Occidental

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 2012 70% Calamity Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 1,438,661.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for supply and delivery of materials for the Construction of Don Mateo Multi Purpose Bldg. (Evacuation Center Phase VI). Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.




Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

1.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

2.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Misamis Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 1,500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

6.     The Local Government Unit of Calamba,Misamis Occidental will hold a Pre-Bid   Conference on July 24, 2012, 2:00 p.m. at Municipal Session Hall, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which shall be open to all interested parties.
7.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before August 3, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on August 3, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

8.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

9.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Construction of Don Mateo Multi Purpose Bldg. (Evacuation Center Phase VI)
SWP, Calamba , Misamis Occidental

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 2012 70% Calamity Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 1,438,661.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for supply and delivery of materials for the Construction of Don Mateo Multi Purpose Bldg. (Evacuation Center Phase VI). Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.

1    Portland Cement
2    Sand
3    Gravel
4    1/4"x 4'8' ord. plywood
5    2"x 2"x 12' coco lumber (200 pcs.)
6    2"x 3"x 12' coco lumber (300 pcs.)
7    CWNails # 1½"
8    CWNails 3" & 4"
9    16mmØx6.0m def. bars
10    #16 tie wire
11    10mmØx 6.0m def. bar
12    20mmØx 6.0m def. bar
    0.40mm x 1.33m x 13.4m pre painted galvalum
14    0.40mmx18"x 8'm pre painted ridge roll galvalum
15    1/2" x 100m flexible hose
16    Plastic Junction Box
17    CHB 4"

18    CHB 6"
19    4"PVC Tee
20    4"x 90" PVC elbow
21    4" x 45" PVC elbow
22    4" PVC wye
23    2" PVC orange pipe S-900
24    2" PVC tee
25    2" x 90° pvc Elbow
PVC Solvent     1

Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Misamis Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 1,500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

6.     The Local Government Unit of Calamba,Misamis Occidental will hold a Pre-Bid   Conference on June 28, 2012, 2:00 p.m. at Municipal Session Hall, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which shall be open to all interested parties.
7.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before July 9, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on July 9, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

8.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

9.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Improvement of Public Market and Concreting of Perimeter
Public Market, DBAN, Calamba, Mis. Occ.

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 2012 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 1,111,637.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for supply and delivery of materials for the Improvement of Public Market and Concreting of Perimeter. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.

1    Item 201 Aggregate Base Course    166    cu.m.      
2    Portland Cement    1,529    bags      
3    Sand    103.5    cu.m.      
4    Gravel    148.5    cu.m.      
5    Asphalt filler    200    liters      
6    12mmØ x 6.0m def. bar    271    lgth      
7    10mmØ x 6.0m def. bar    177    lgth      
8    2" x 2" x 12' coco lumber (200 pcs.)    800    bd.ft.      
9    2" x 4" x 12' coco lumber (200 pcs.)    1,600    bd.ft.      
10    CWNails # 2", 3" & 4"    30    kg.      
11    Empty sack    400    pcs.      
12    2"Ø G.I. pipe S-40    4    pcs.      
13    #16 Plain Sheet    2    pcs.      
14    Welding Rod    5    kg.      
15    Metal Primer Paint    26    gal      
16    Quick Drying Enamel Paint    2    gal      
17    Paint Thinner    11    gal      
18    Outdoor Sticker (0.60m x 0.750m)    8    pcs.      
19    Vulca Seal    4    ltrs.      
20    Umbrella Nails 2" long    30    kg.      
21    CWNails # 1/½, 2", 3" & 4"    54    kg.      
22    Rush Converter    10    gal      
23    4" Paint Brush    5    pcs.      
24    3"Ø PVC P-trap    62    pcs.      
25    3"Ø x 45° PVC Elbow    102    pcs.      
26    3"Ø x 90° PVC Elbow    40    pcs.      
27    3" x 6" PVC Tee    62    pcs.      
28    6" Ø PVC Pipe S-900    45    pcs.      
29    3"Ø PVC Pipe S-900    15    pcs.      
30    6"Ø PVC Clean Out    30    pcs.      
31    6"Ø x 45° PVC Elbow    2    pcs.      
32    6"Ø PVC Wye    32    pcs.      
33    PVC Solvent 200c    10    can      
34    1/4" x 1" x 1" Flat bar    35    pcs.      
35    Welding Rod    5    kg      
36    3/16" x 1" x 1" angle bar    6    pcs.      
37    1/4" x 4 x 8' ord. plywood    30    pcs.      
38    .40mmx24"x8' pre-painted galvalum gutter    60    pcs.      
39    2" x 2" x 8' good lumber (180pcs.)    480    bd.ft.      
40    .4mm x 10" x 8' galvalum facia cup    60    pcs.      
41    1/8" x 1/2" blind rivets (1000 pcs./box)    2    box      
42    4" x 4" stainless floor drain    78    pcs.      
43    4" CHB    795    pcs.      
44    6" x 6" glaze tile    3,093    pcs.      
45    Cement joint filter    35    kg.      
46    8' rigid tile trim    64    pcs.     

Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 1,500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

6.     The Local Government Unit of Calamba,Misamis Occidental will hold a Pre-Bid   Conference on June 13, 2012, 2:00 p.m. at Municipal Session Hall, Calamba, Misamis Occidental which shall be open to all interested parties.
7.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before June 25, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause Error! Reference source not found..

Bid opening shall be on June 25, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

8.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

9.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]

 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for the Improvement/Rehabilitation of Barangay Road, Rebosura Extension, Northern Poblacion, Calamba, Misamis Occ.

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through a Trust Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 361,070.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Improvement/Rehabilitation of Barangay Road, Rebosura Extension, Northern Poblacion, Calamba, Misamis Occ.  Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.
1    Common Barrow Materials    50    cu.m.       
2    Aggregates Base Course    112    cu.m.       
3    Portland Cement    624    bags       
4    Sand    42    cu.m.       
5    Gravel    65    cu.m.       
6    16mmØx6.0m def. bars    18    pcs.       
7    Asphalt filter    10    ltrs.       
8    Assorted CWNails #3"&4"    40    kg.       
9    2"x 6"x 12' coco lumber (100 pcs.)    1,200    bd.ft.       
 Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before June 04, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause Error! Reference source not found..

Bid opening shall be on June 04, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]

 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for the Purchase of Brand New Portalets Without Flush
Calamba, Mis. Occ.

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 70% of the 5% Calamity Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 150,000.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Purchase of 1-unit Brand New Portalets Without Flush.  Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.

Item Description    Unit    Quantity       
1-unit Brand New Portalets Without Flush        One (1)    

Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before May 8, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on May 8, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for the Purchase of 1-Unit Motorcycle
Calamba, Mis. Occ.

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 53,300.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Purchase of 1-unit Motorcycle.  Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.

Item Description    Unit    Quantity       
 Motorcycle    1-unit    One (1)    

Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before May 8, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on May 8, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for the Purchase of Drugs and Medicines
Calamba District Hospital, Calamba, Misamis Occidental

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the Public Pharmacy Trust Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 472,912.10 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Purchase of Drugs and Medicines.  Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.

Item Description    Unit    Quantity       
Cefriaxone 1 gm.    vls    100       
Cefuroxime 750mg    vls    750       
Ampicillin Na 250mg    vls    500       
Ampicillin Na 500mg    vls    500       
Ampicillin + Sulbactam 750mg    vls    300       
Paracetamol 250mg/5ml    bots    100       
Ipratroplum + Salbutamol    nebs    200       
Paracetamol 500mg    tabs    1000       
Cefuroxime 500mg    tabs    300       
Tramadol 50mg/ml    amps    100       
Cefixime 100mg/ml    bots    20       
Cefazolin 1 gm.    vls    100       
Paracetamol drops    bots    50       
Amoxicillin/clavulanic Acid 625mg    tabs    300       
Cefixime 200 mg.    tabs    300       
Azithromycin 500mg    tabs    100       
Azithromycin 500mg vial for injection    vials    10       

Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Misamis. Occidental and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before May 8, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on May 8, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Fabrication of 3-units Portable Shelter (Tents) for Prevention & Mitigation of Calamity
Calamba, Misamis Occidental

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 2012 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 57,627.24 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for supply and delivery of materials for the Fabrication of 3-units Portable Shelter (Tents) for Prevention and Mitigation of Calamity. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.


Item Description   
S-200 Fatigue-Fatigue Canvass    roll    1      
S-200 Fatigue-Fatigue Canvass    meters    37      
GI pipe #1¼ S-40    Length    6      
Plain Rebar 10mm    Length    24      
Bolt 8 x 25mm with nut    Pc.    36      
10 x 50 with nut & plain washer    Pc.    3      
GI Pipe #1 S-40    length    1      
Welding Rod (china)    Kg.    15      
Sunflix Hacksaw Blade    Pc.    11      
Flat Bar ¼ x 1    length    1      
Angle bar ¼ x 1    length    2      
Enamel Green    liters    3      
Enamel Black    liters    1      
Enamel Yellow    liters    1      
Mayon Thinner    bottle    6      
Mayon Thinner    Gal.    1     
Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on April 03, 2012 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before April 11, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on April 11, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Gravelling of Barangay San Isidro Farm to Market Road
San Isidro, Calamba, Mis. Occ.

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 2012 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 222,000.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for supply and delivery of materials for the Gravelling of Barangay San Isidro Farm to Market Road. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.

Item Description    Unit    Quantity      
Item 202 – Crushed Aggregates    Cu.m.    185     

Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on April 02, 2012 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before April 10, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on April 10, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]



 Republic of the Philippines
Province of Misamis Occidental

Invitation to Bid for Gravelling of Barangay San Isidro Farm to Market Road
San Isidro, Calamba, Mis. Occ.

1.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the 2012 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of Pph. 222,000.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for supply and delivery of materials for the Gravelling of Barangay San Isidro Farm to Market Road. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.

2.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials.

Item Description    Unit    Quantity       
Item 202 – Crushed Aggregates    Cu.m.    185    

Delivery of the Goods is required within 30 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

 Bidding is open to all interested bidders, whether local or foreign, subject to the conditions for eligibility provided in the IRR of RA 9184.

4.    Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the BAC Chairman, Local Government Unit, Calamba, Mis. Occ. and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on March 22, 2012 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

5.    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before March 30, 2012.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall be on March 30, 2012, 2:00 pm at Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

6.    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

7.    For further information, please refer to:

Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
LGU- Calamba, Misamis Occidentsl
Tel. No. (088) 271-3455 local 102
Email Address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax No. (088) 271-3221
Website: www.calamabemisocc.gov.ph

Signature of the BAC Chairman or the Authorized Representative of the BAC Chairperson]



PART I. Section I. Invitation to Bid

Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao Rural Development Program II

Rehabilitation of Dapacan Alto-Bautista FMR


Loan No. 7440- PH


November 18, 2011


1. The Government of the Philippines (GOP) has received a Loan from the World Bank toward the cost of Mindanao Rural Development Program II, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Loan, to payments under the contract for Rehabilitation of Dapacan Alto-Bautista FMR/03-CAL-MOC-10.


2. The Municipality of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, implementing partner of the Department of Agriculture, now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Rehabilitation of Dapacan Alto-Bautista FMR. Completion of the Works is required by 180 Calendar Days.


3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 9184 (R.A. 9184), otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. Subject to exceptions stated in this Bidding Documents, only Bids from Bidders who pass an eligibility check will be opened. The Bidder with the Lowest Calculated Bid (LCB) shall advance to the post-qualification stage in order to finally determine its responsiveness to the technical and financial requirements of the project. The contract shall then be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bidder (LCRB) who was determined as such during post qualification. The Estimated Project Cost for this project is Php 9,525,000.00 (NINE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS).


4. The documents required in the Eligibility Documents shall be submitted as part of the Technical Documents of the Bidders as provided in the Instructions to Bidders.


5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the Bids and Awards Committee and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays.


6. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from November 18, 2011 to December 19, 2011 at the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the bidding documents in the amount Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00).


It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the MRDP2 website (http://www.damrdp.net) provided that bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

7. The Municipality of Calamba will hold a Pre-Bid Conference open to all Eligible Bidders on December 7, 2011, 2:00 p.m. at the following address Municipal Session Hall, Calamba, Misamis Occidental.


8. Eligible Bidders must submit their Bids at the address below on or before December 19, 2011, 2:00 p.m. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid security in the form of cash, certified (manager’s or cashier’s) check, bank guarantee and in an amount specified in the bid documents. Late Bids shall not be accepted. Bid opening shall be on December 19, 2011, 2:00 p.m., Municipal Session Hall, Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below at 2:00 p.m., December 19, 2011.


9. The Municipality of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders.





Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee

LGU Calamba, Misamis Occidental-7210

Tel. No. – (088)-271-3455 loc. 102

eMail – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fax No. (088)-271-3221

Website: www.calambamisocc.gov.ph




Signature of the BAC Chairman or

Authorized Representative of the

BAC Chairman


PART I. Section I. Invitation to Bid

Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao Rural Development Program II

Rehabilitation of Dapacan Bajo– Libertad FMR


Loan No. 7440- PH


November 18, 2011


1. The Government of the Philippines (GOP) has received a Loan from the World Bank toward the cost of Mindanao Rural Development Program II, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Loan, to payments under the contract for Rehabilitation of Dapacan Bajo-Libertad FMR/01-CAL-MOC-10.


2. The Municipality of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, implementing partner of the Department of Agriculture, now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Rehabilitation of Dapacan Bajo-Libertad FMR. Completion of the Works is required by 120 calendar days.


3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 9184 (R.A. 9184), otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. Subject to exceptions stated in this Bidding Documents, only Bids from Bidders who pass an eligibility check will be opened. The Bidder with the Lowest Calculated Bid (LCB) shall advance to the post-qualification stage in order to finally determine its responsiveness to the technical and financial requirements of the project. The contract shall then be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bidder (LCRB) who was determined as such during post qualification. The Estimated Project Cost for this project is Php 6,005,000.00 (Six Million Five Thousand Pesos Only).


4. The documents required in the Eligibility Documents shall be submitted as part of the Technical Documents of the Bidders as provided in the Instructions to Bidders.


5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the Bids and Awards Committee and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays.


6. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from November 18, 2011 to December 19, 2011 at the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the bidding documents in the amount Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00).



It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the MRDP2 website (http://www.damrdp.net) provided that bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids


7. The Municipality of Calamba will hold a Pre-Bid Conference open to all Eligible Bidders on December 7, 2011, 2:00 p.m. at the following address Municipal Session Hall, Calamba, Misamis Occidental.


8. Eligible Bidders must submit their Bids at the address below on or before December 19, 2011, 2:00 p.m. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid security in the form of cash, certified (manager’s or cashier’s) check, bank guarantee and in an amount specified in the bid documents. Late Bids shall not be accepted. Bid opening shall be on December 19, 2011, 2:00 p.m., Municipal Session Hall, Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below at 2:00 p.m., December 19, 2011.


9. The Municipality of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders.





Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee

LGU Calamba, Misamis Occidental-7210

Tel. No. – (088)-271-3455 loc. 102

eMail – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fax No. (088)-271-3221

Website: www.calambamisocc.gov.ph




Signature of the BAC Chairman or

Authorized Representative of the

                                                                                      BAC Chairman


Republic of the Philippines

Province of Misamis Occidental



Invitation to Bid for

Purchase of Organic Fertilizer

Calamba, Mis. Occ.



1.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through MNCIADP of the Department of Agriculture intends to apply the sum of P 71,610.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Purchase of Organic Fertilizer at Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.


2.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental now invites bids for supply and delivery of organic fertilizer.






Organic Fertilizer








Delivery of the Goods is required within thirty (30) calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within the last two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.


3.   Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.


4.      Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the Bids and Awards Committee of the Local Government Unit of Calamba and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.


5.      A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded in the PHILGEPS website or may be purchased by interested Bidders on December 2, 2011 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.


6.      Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 2:00pm of December 9, 2011.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.


Bid opening shall be on December 9, 2011, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.


7.      The LGU of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.





8.      For further information, please refer to:





TEL. NO. (088) 271-3455 LOC 102

FAX NO. (088) 271-3221

EMAIL ADDRESS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






                                                                                    MA. ELENA E. RATUNIL




Republic of the Philippines

Province of Misamis Occidental



Invitation to Bid for

Construction of Don Mateo Matunog Multi Purpose Building (Evacuation Center)

Phase V

Southwestern Poblacion, Calamba, Mis. Occ.



1.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the Calamity Fund intends to apply the sum of P 461,255.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Construction of Don Mateo Matunog Multi-Purpose Building (Evacuation Center) Phase V at Southwestern Poblacion, Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.


2.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental now invites bids for supply and delivery of the following materials.





Portland Cement






Crushed Aggregates



¼x4x8 ordinary plywood



2x2x12 coco lumber



2x3x12 coco lumber



2x4x12 coco lumber



CWNails 4"



CWNails 3" 



  CWNails 1½" 




20mmǾx6.0m deformed bar



16mmǾx6.0m deformed bar



10mmǾx6.0m deformed bar



#16 tie wire





Delivery of the Goods is required within sixty (60) calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within the last two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.


3.   Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.


4.      Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the Bids and Awards Committee of the Local Government Unit of Calamba and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.


5.      A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded in the PHILGEPS website or may be purchased by interested Bidders on December 5, 2011 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.


6.      Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 2:00pm of December 13, 2011.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.


Bid opening shall be on December 13, 2011, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.


7.      The LGU of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.





8.      For further information, please refer to:





TEL. NO. (088) 271-3455 LOC 102

FAX NO. (088) 271-3221

EMAIL ADDRESS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






                                                                                    MA. ELENA E. RATUNIL


Republic of the Philippines

Province of Misamis Occidental



Invitation to Bid for

Purchase and Installation of Additional 2 Units LED Street Lights

Southwestern Poblacion, Calamba, Mis. Occ.



1.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through 2011 PDAF of Congressman Jorge Almonte intends to apply the sum of P 74,000.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Purchase and Installation of Additional 2 Units LED Street Lights at Southwestern Poblacion, Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.


2.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental now invites bids for supply and delivery of materials and installation of 2 units LED street lights.. 






10 Watt LED street light






Solar Panel – MonoCrystaline, 50W/18V/2.98A





Battery – Deep Cycle, 40Ah/12V






Lamp Controller – 10A/12V-24V Auto, IP67 Waterproof





LED Lamp – LED Street Lamp, High Power, 10Watt/12V




Pole – Galvanized, Painted, 4M, Single Arm, with Panel Mount





Enclosure – NEMA 5 enclosure, Outdoor, Anti-Theft lock, Pole Mounted





Description of Area – Flood Prone






Delivery of the Goods and installation is required within thirty (30) calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within the last two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.


3.   Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.


4.      Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the Bids and Awards Committee of the Local Government Unit of Calamba and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.


5.      A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on December 8, 2011 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.


6.      Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 2:00pm of December 15, 2011.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.


Bid opening shall be on December 15, 2011, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.


7.      The LGU of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.





8.      For further information, please refer to:





TEL. NO. (088) 271-3455 LOC 102

FAX NO. (088) 271-3221

EMAIL ADDRESS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






                                                                                    MA. ELENA E. RATUNIL


Republic of the Philippines

Province of Misamis Occidental



Invitation to Bid for

Improvement/Rehabilitation ofMunicipal Road

S. Clapano St. Don Bernardo A. Neri, Calamba, Mis. Occ.



1.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the DILG Fund intends to apply the sum of P 175,050.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Improvement/Rehabilitation of Municipal Road at S. Clapano St., Don Bernardo A. Neri. Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.


2.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental now invites bids for supply and delivery of the following materials.





Aggregate Base Course



Hot Asphalt






Crushed Aggregates



Choker (screened aggregates)



Fine Sand (cover)




Delivery of the Goods is required within thirty (30) calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within the last two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.


3.   Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.


4.      Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the Bids and Awards Committee of the Local Government Unit of Calamba and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.


5.      A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded in the PHILGEPS website or may be purchased by interested Bidders on December 4, 2011 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.


6.      Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 2:00pm of December 13, 2011.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.


Bid opening shall be on December 13, 2011, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.


7.      The LGU of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.





8.      For further information, please refer to:





TEL. NO. (088) 271-3455 LOC 102

FAX NO. (088) 271-3221

EMAIL ADDRESS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






                                                                                    MA. ELENA E. RATUNIL




Republic of the Philippines

Province of Misamis Occidental



Invitation to Bid for

Improvement/Rehabilitation ofMunicipal Road (Extension)

Purok 4 Solinog, Calamba, Mis. Occ.



1.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, through the DILG Fund intends to apply the sum of P 142,170.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Improvement/Rehabilitation of Municipal Road at Purok 4 Solinog. Calamba, Misamis Occidental. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.


2.   The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental now invites bids for supply and delivery of the following materials.





Aggregate Base Course



Hot Asphalt






Crushed Aggregates



Choker (screened aggregates)



Fine Sand (cover)



6” Ǿ boulders



Portland Cement










Delivery of the Goods is required within thirty (30) calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within the last two (2) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.


3.   Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.


4.      Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Office of the Bids and Awards Committee of the Local Government Unit of Calamba and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours.


5.      A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded in the PHILGEPS website or may be purchased by interested Bidders on December 5, 2011 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P 500.00.


6.      Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 2:00pm of December 13, 2011.  All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.


Bid opening shall be on December 13, 2011, 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Session Hall.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.


7.      The LGU of Calamba, Misamis Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.





8.      For further information, please refer to:





TEL. NO. (088) 271-3455 LOC 102

FAX NO. (088) 271-3221

EMAIL ADDRESS: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






                                                                                    MA. ELENA E. RATUNIL























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