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    The Local Government Unit of Calamba, Misamis Occidental commemorates the 110th Independence Day Celebration. It is a nationwide celebration of the proclamation of the Philippine Independence Day held last June 12, 2008 with this year’s theme: “REPUBLIC SERVICE, TUNGO SA GANAP NA KALAYAAN AT KAUNLARAN”. Filipinos from all walks of life all over the country  and in abroad; public and private employees; government officials from the Barangays, Local, Provincial and National spearheaded by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo simultaneously celebrating the 110th Philippine Independence Day.


    The celebration started with a parade as early as 6:45 in the morning and which was participated by different sectors namely the Philippine National Police; 55th Infantry Battalion stationed in Langub; Veterans Federation of the Philippines-Calamba Post; Senior Citizens Federation of the Philippines-Calamba Chapter; Knights of Columbus; Faculty, Staff and Students from Private and Public Elementary and High Schools, CALTEA; MOELCI-I Employees; Calamba District Hospital; Barangay officials; Municipal, Provincial and National Officials and Employees. Right after the parade there was a flag raising and wreath-laying ceremonies at Rizal Rotunda.  The flag raising symbolized the start of the celebration of the declaration of Philippine Independence Day.   A short program and floral offering at the foot of Rizal’s monument followed.  

    After the parade all the guests proceed to Mateo Matunog Gymnasium for the program proper to conduct activities that highlights the Independence Day celebration.  

    Honored guests were Municipal officials headed by Municipal Mayor-OIC Jesus C. Enerio, Municipal Vice Mayor-OIC Judelyn Bolotaolo, SB Member Julieto Intong, SB Member Edgar Iman and SB Member Zenaida Medija.  

    The mass singing of “BAYAN KO” adds real meaning to the celebration. The lyrics showed how Filipinos struggle just to attain the freedom.
    Judge Marlon Jay G. Moneva Acting Presiding Judge of Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Calamba, Misamis Occidental graced the occasion. He said that “Today Filipinos all over the Philippines are not only commemorating Philippine Independence Day but also celebrating it. He also recalls how Filipinos attained our freedom 110 years ago because of the sacrifices and efforts of our ancestors. Judge Moneva sets example why the Philippines is poor compared to rich countries which are not abundant in agriculture and natural resources based on the article of Dr. Arsenio Martin. He analyzed the present situation of the country, the   behavior and attitude of Filipinos even the politicians based on the following basic principles in life written by Dr. Martin, the following principles like ethics, integrity, responsibility, respect to the laws & rules, respect to the rights of other citizens, work loving, strive for saving & investment, will of super action and punctuality.

    Most of the guests and audience who heard the message of Judge Moneva realized that right attitude is the key to success. Philippines is rich in natural resources and abundant in agricultural products and if we apply the functional principles in rich and develop countries plus confidence in our own country  then  there is no reason for us Filipinos not to reach the achievements of develop and rich countries.    

    The cooperation and participation of all government and private agencies; Sangguniang Bayan Members; Barangay Captains and Members of Barangay Councils of the 19 Barangays of the municipality; Municipal and National Employees, Private sectors employees,  Public and Private School Teachers and Employees; 55th Infantry Battalion; all Non-governmental organizations; people’s organizations and private organizations made the occasion successful.

Philippine National Police
55th Infantry Battalion
Veterans Federation of the Philippines-Calamba Post
Senior Citizens Federation of the Philippines-Calamba Chapter
Knights of Columbus
Sacred Heart College - Elementary Department
Sacred Heart College - High School DepartmentBarangay Council
Calamba Teachers and Employees Association (CALTEA)
MOELCI-I Employees
Flag Raising at Rizal Rotonda
Floral Offering
Municipal Mayor-OIC Jesus C. Enerio
Honored guest Judge Marlon Jay G. Moneva-Acting Presiding Judge of Municipal Circuit Trial Court
 (From Left to Right) SB Member Edgar V. Iman, SB Member Julieto Intong, SB Member Zenaida Medija, Mun. Vice Mayor-OIC Judelyn E. Bolotaolo and Municipal Mayor-OIC Jesus C. Enerio during the reading and giving of certificate of appreciation to guest speaker Judge  Marlon Jay G. Moneva.

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